牛晓滨 教授:物理气相沉积法制备最细的金属纳米棒:理论与实验研究
发布日期:2016-04-25 点击量:
物理气相沉积法制备最细的金属纳米棒:理论与实验研究 |
牛晓滨 教授 |
陈延学 |
2014-10-16 15:00 |
知新楼C座7楼报告厅 |
Physical vapor deposition provides a controllable means of growing two-dimensional metallic thin films and one-dimensional metallic nanorods. While theories exist for the growth of metallic thin films, their counterpart for the growth of metallic nanorods is absent. Because of this absence, the lower limit of the nanorod diameter is theoretically unknown; consequently the experimental pursuit of the smallest nanorods has no clear target.Xiaobin Niu and his colleagues recentlyreporta closed-form theory that defines the diameter of the smallest metallic nanorods using physical vapor deposition. Further,theyverify the theory using lattice kineticMonte Carlosimulations and validate the theory using published experimental data. Finally,theycarry out a series of theory-guided experiments to grow well-separated metallic nanorods of 10 nm in diameter, which are the smallest ever reported using physical vapor deposition. |
牛晓滨教授,2000年、2003年分获中国科学技术大学学士和硕士学位,2008年获美国加州大学洛杉矶分校材料科学与工程博士学位。2008年后先后在美国犹他大学、康奈迭戈大学从事博士后、助理研究教授。主要从事半导体和金属材料的纳米微尺度结构(包括薄膜、量子点以及纳米线)的生长和性质的理论研究及多尺度计算模拟,并取得了一系列国际领先的、创新性成果,先后在国际顶尖的材料物理类杂志上发表第一作者学术论文多篇。 |