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Dark Matter at Precision and Energy frontiers: Muon g-2, Hubble tension and LHC

发布日期:2021-05-19   点击量:

报告题目:Dark Matter at Precision and Energy frontiers: Muon g-2, Hubble tension and LHC

报告人:武磊 南京师范大学 教授

时间:2021520 下午 16:00


邀请人:王健 教授


Weakly interacting massvie particle (WIMP) is the leading DM candidate, which has been extensively studied in (in)direct detection and collider experiments. However, the current null results of searching for WIMP have put strong constaints on its mass and interaction. This attracts more thinking about feebly interacting DM. In this talk, I will take SUSY as benchmark model and present the status of SUSY WIMP DM in light of very recent measurement of Muon g-2. Then, I will talk about the light SuperWIMP DM and its possible implication on Hubble tension and LHC.



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